Cooled NOx Sensor

03 March 2017

The accuracy of an NO gas sensor, the primary component of NOx, can be compromised when exposed to ambient temperatures above 30°C and significantly more so above 40°C, according to E Instruments, a maker of emissions and combustion analyzers. The company said it recognized this issue and is releasing the E8500 Cooled NOx product to mitigate it.

To help prevent this temperature effect on the NO sensor, the E8500 Cooled NOx is designed to keep the NO sensor cooled with an internal cooling system. The analyzer measures, displays, and records the NO sensor temperature to make it easier to comply with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conditional test methods such as CTM-030, the company said. The E8500 Cooled NOx also comes standard with our Sample Conditioning Unit (SCU).  This SCU cools & dries the stack gas at the probe handle to minimize the time that the gas has in contact with the condensate.



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